Get Involved
Some things you can do right now
Contact your Member of Congress
Here is a comprehensive list of contact information for Government Officials.
- Locate your U.S. senators’ contact information.
- Find your U.S. representative’s website and contact information.
Get involved in your local Government
Remember the saying “Think Globally, Act Locally?” This is truer than ever. There are many ways to get involved with your local government and community. Here are FIVE to get you started:
- Vote
- Become a Poll Worker
- Attend Meetings
- Serve on a Committee or Run For Office
- Call your City Officials
Make Lifestyle Changes - Go Green(er)
Green your life. Small steps by a lot of us WILL make a difference. Here are a few resources:
Planet Vision. This website has well organized pdf Action Guide that can be downloaded.
Other websites with suggestions for personal actions
Green America: This organization that provides information about living, shopping and doing business with an environmental focus.
Environment Magazine
Building Green
Soil & Forest Management
Eating & Health
Home & Office
You can find more useful information on the Resources page.